Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Loss ... again ...

My newest grandson, Dominic Keith Smith.  So tiny, so perfect.  He was born August 14, 2014 at 9:45pm.  He gained his Angel wings that same night ... born sleeping.  He wasn't due until Christmas, but just couldn't wait that long to make his grand entrance and leave his little footprints on our hearts and minds.

I know that God has his reasons for sending us gifts and then asking for them in return.  But twice?  And to the same Mommy and family?  It's so hard for to her to comprehend that what should have been the happiest day has turned into yet another time of loss, grief, and planning a funeral for her littlest Angel.  I pray for her each day for understanding and comfort, but I know, from experience, that although it does get easier, the pain and loss never goes away.

"Dominic, you will always be loved and remembered fondly.  For a short time you were part of our lives but you will always be part of our hearts.  Gabriel, take care of your little brother and watch over your Mommy, Blake and Jaxson as they learn to say goodbye again."

Signed ... with love and tears

Day 2 & Thoughts on Day 1

Up early once again - not a bad thing.  I'm able to sign in to my online class (Human Resource Management) and get started on it.  Two classes today (Marketing & Small Business Management) and I'm ready to get them rolling.

Yesterday's class (Business Law) went really well.  Full roster - 24 students and one really fun teacher.  She used to practice law and has taught it for the past 13 years.  She uses a lot of stories so I think I'll get a lot out of it.

Students were really happy I had the office open for the afternoon.  Had quite a few coming in to use the computers and the copy machine.  You see all kinds at a community college - new students right out of high school, some coming back after not doing so well at the university level, and quite a few like me - non-traditional, older students, starting again after many years to find a new profession when the old one dried up or to finish what they started so long ago.  

It can be scary, after being out of school for over 30 years, to come back and start all over.  But I am having so much fun and I love learning again.  And I'm finding out that I'm darn good at it :)

Taking my Cricket (machine that cuts things out for me) to cut out the 50 letters that make up the new name of the office: Center for Workforce Development & Entrepreneurship.  My hand would be cramping cutting those out by hand!! LOL!  I have to design the new board in the hallway and the first step is getting the new name out there.  Transition - interesting, confusing, and full of learning new things and people.

I hope you all have a great day ... I plan on it.  

Peace ~

Monday, August 18, 2014

1st Day Back - Early Morning

7:45 on Monday morning - alarm is about ready to go off but I've been up since 6:15.  Must be anticipation of the new day, new classes, and working in a somewhat new office.

I've worked in the Career Center at Kansas City Kansas Community College since June 2013 as either a student worker or a summer worker.  But after July 24th of this year, both my director and office secretary have retired.  The office is being taken over by the Business Division and has been renamed: Center for Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship (CWD&E - as I so fondly call it).

New management, new ideas, new hours (not even sure what they are at the moment) ... and then me, the only "old" person from the "old" office.  I seriously think that's why they kept me around, but I'm okay with that. I'm used to the way the office works and hopefully that will be helpful in the transition stages.

I start my next to last semester at KCKCC and really excited about it.  I am taking Business Law I, Human Resource Management, Small Business Management, and Marketing.  I'm working towards my AAS, Business Administration degree and should graduate in May, 2015.  This is all lecture classes this semester (3 on-ground and 1 online) so it will be a lot of work, written and reading.  

So if I slack off writing on my blog or my posts start to sound educational, that is the reason!

I hope you all have a great week and when this day is over, I'll let you know how it went.

Peace ~

Monday, August 4, 2014

Another Monday's Ramblings

Week 2 of vacation has started - and may I say rather early.  Dogs woke me up at 3:30 a.m. to do their thing and alas, I couldn't get back to sleep.  So here I am. 

The temps last week didn't make for easy work in the kitchen or anywhere else, so needless to say, I didn't get a lot done on my to do list.

Hopefully this week is better.

Getting books today for my next semester.  Thank God for grants or I don't know how I'd pay for $800-1000 worth of textbooks.  I hated having to take out loans to help us out, but with only working part time and hubby not being able to work (long story, can't go into details here), I didn't have a choice.  Two more semesters and then hopefully find a job that will help me make those payments.

I am really looking forward to this semester actually.  Ready for my classes to get started and finish learning what I need to get this degree.  Been a long time coming (going back after 30 years) but something that needed to be done.  When I lost my job in November 2011, I realized that if I was going to get any further than I was, I needed as least an Associate's to get there.  Will I go back and get my Bachelor's?  Haven't decided yet.  At my age, getting this much was quite the ordeal.

Well anyway, guess my Monday has begun - hopefully this week is fruitful and I can get done what needs to be before classes start on the 18th.

Take care - I hope you all have a great week!

Peace ~