Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sounds ... What sound sent your life spinning?

The next few posts you see are things I've written for classes or just more "random thoughts" I've decided to post.  So just posting various things ...

Writing Prompt ~ What sound sent your life spinning? Write for ten minutes.
Don’t forget to keep the pen moving and follow wherever your thoughts lead you. Please share what you are thinking.

Phone calls at my office. I received three that changed my life. The first one said, “Mrs. McGill (my first marriage), there’s been an accident and your son is in the hospital.” My oldest, who has Muscular Dystrophy, was swimming and his head went under while floating on his back. He sunk to the bottom of the pool and was under for several minutes. A fireman was standing outside the fence of the pool, climbed it and jumped in the pool to save my son. He was in an oxygen tent at the hospital for two days and came through the experience with flying colors.

The second phone call was my step-mom telling me my sister had a massive heart attack and they were taking her to the hospital. I left work and while in my car, the words of a Josh Groban song came across the radio. “To Where You Are” let me know in my heart my sister was gone and I wouldn’t get to say goodbye. She was only 48 and healthy. It made me realize how short life can be and to make sure we say what needs to be said to the ones we love.

The third phone call was my half-brother telling me my 80 year old father and step-mom had been in a bad car wreck and my father was being airlifted to a local trauma center. Once again, I left work and rushed to the hospital, getting there just as my father was being wheeled into the emergency room. He was talking and laughing with the crew from the helicopter, but he wasn’t moving. We found out he was paralyzed from the waist down. This was in September, 13 days after his birthday. I spent six weeks in ICU with him and the next several months in and out of rehabilitation. He finally came home in April and I wondered how long he would be with me. The Friday before Mother’s Day, my step-mom called me at home to let me know my father didn’t wake up. My best friend was gone and once again, my heart was broken.

To this day, I hate phone calls that start with Mrs. Whatever my name is at this point or from family members with bad news.

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